100 Years of Wisdom

This year 2013 marks the 100 years of Indian cinema. Movies empower audiences with the ability to visualize new scenarios and even new places. Together, we recognize that movies have been an integral part of the social milieu of Indian society. The past 100 years have had its fair share of learning that anyone could take home after watching a movie. As we celebrate 100 years, it would only be fair to say that they have certainly left an indelible mark on the history of celluloid. Here are the some top lessons that Hindi cinema has taught us over the past century:

* Indian airport security is sensitive to the demands of young boys and girls who wish to propose to the girl of their choice at the boarding gate. 

* Guns do not kill people. They just make them drunk, groggy and angrier.

* Reincarnations are essentially clones of the same person born even after their "death" .

* All the thoughts of a person's mind are narrated loudly by an invisible celestial fairy

* Hot girls give their phone numbers and address them to random guys

* Dodging bullets is easier when driving

* 1 billion Indians, yet separated at birth during the Kumbh Mela have a 100% chance of meeting later in life with the basis of a single song that the parents might have taught them in childhood.

* If you are chasing villains in a high speed car chase, the Police will sportingly not intervene or challan you for speeding. 



M'Bai Madrasi said…
Epic one, heres another
No matter where you dance, u ll always find people knowing the same steps around you :D

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