Minimum Government, Maximum Governance

In reality, our states need a new system of governance. A system that says: minimum government, maximum governance. A political system which will rise above petty political ambitions and unite the nation into one republic: one family. States are indivisible limbs of a nation. Yet, we see states fighting with each other for survival. Don't we feel the pain when a family member is in pain?  Don't we help our family members in the time of distress? How can we remain aloof from the joys and sorrows faced by our family members? Individuals sacrificing for the good of the society is deep-rooted in our culture. Why did Shiva swallow poison? Why did Sage Dadhichi sacrifice his bones? 

Then, why are individuals not eager to make a sacrifice for society and the society for nation? Why does a society feel that it's progress lies in the downfall of others? Why does a state feel that progress of another state will hinder its own progress? Why does one person feel that it is necessary to be struggling with another for survival? Is the seed ever in struggle with a leaf? Are the roots of a tree in struggle with the branches standing over them? Then, why are we involved in struggle? Don't you think that the leaves, flowers, branches, trunk and the roots have all taken their form from the seed? Yet, we cannot see the seed.

In the same way, we cannot see our nationalism, but it is present and can be felt in every Indian. If you search for your seed, you can feel the nationalism which is within us. If this seed of nationalism is within us, then how can I be any different from you? What is the meaning of freedom? Does it just mean being free from slavery of another person or state? Does freedom mean doing as we please? Doesn't society have to accept rules of the nation? So even after acceptance of the rules of society and state, why do we still feel that we're free? What is the awareness of that freedom which is equally felt by a person, society and nation? What is the thread that binds every individual to a society and nation and yet makes them feel independent?

Who has created this mechanism called freedom which we accept so willingly? What is it that "independence" gives to a person that s/he becomes so eager to lay down his/her life? What is that mechanism which we call independence? Why do we want to be independent and not under the rule of imperial powers? What is the difference between independence and dependence? Why could not we accept the mechanism of dependence on the British? It is because we believe in the mechanism our sages and thinkers have created for us. 

We believe in the eternal values which our ancestors created and practiced. The principle of well-being of all (Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu) which our ancestors have followed has been inherited by us. These are the values created under eternal truth and the light of knowledge by our sages. Values, when created under eternal truth and light of knowledge by our sages, is our mechanism of independence. We have established our social system on the basis of these eternal values. Only the systems created by our ancestors' can be the basis of our personal, social and national life. That is why we seek freedom. 

Is that system, method and freedom any different for Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, West Bengal, Maharashtra or Bihar? Can the quest for best values differ from state to state? Can it be different for states based on the same societal values which have been created by our ancestors? It is because we cannot see the seed which is present in every part of the tree. We are failing to see culture flowing in every state. States are branches one giant tree called India that has shaped from one seed. We are unable to see our roots but seeing our outward differences, we are refuting our oneness. We are not able to see unity in diversity or may be, we are ignoring it for our selfish political interests.

I know there are differences in the political system of certain states but the political system is not culture. A political system can at best supplement culture but cannot be a synonym. Culture shows the way for the progress of people, society and the nation. So, the responsibility of politics too is progress of people, society and nation through inclusive growth and empowered governance. Then, why do people fight in the name of the system? Perhaps, they don't identify with the common goal of the people, society and the nation or because of their own selfish interests which motivate them to oppose each other.

This selfishness or lack of unity has compelled us to surrender our self-respect before corrupt governments and invaders. Please remember that our self-respect lies in our hands. We need to invoke our national character and do it for the sake of our country. If all people across the country unite as one and challenge a corrupt regime, would it not be possible for us to stare at a decisive mandate during the elections?

Our borders extend up to the spread of our culture. From the snow-clad Himalayas to the depths of the seas, it is our land and our nation that beckons us. Experience teaches us that more than the actions of wicked people, this nation has been harmed by the inaction of good people. If we do not protect the nation, who will? If we do not unite and cast our vote in the elections and present ourselves as committed to the cause of a developed India, the corrupt government can come back and we might see ourselves staring at another wasted decade. History might repeat again. 

If we don't unite now, the path is wide open for the return of a corrupt regime. The need of the hour therefore is for all of us to unite immediately. This nation can become competent, powerful and glorious only when unity prevails. If people realise that this nation's eminence is our eminence and if you are ready to sacrifice that one holiday for the sake of this nation, then no one can weaken us. We, the children of India, can then proclaim that the path of duty lies wide open with the ability to cast our votes: March ahead! 


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